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Saturday 20 December 2014

How REAL butter can make you leaner

If you've read my book or my newsletters for some time, you know I'm a big fan of REAL butter... and NOT margarine.

In fact, I would NEVER, EVER even think about touching margarine with a ten foot pole... and even these new fancy so-called "cholesterol lowering" margarines still contain some trans fats and inflammatory refined oils.  I would NEVER touch those either.

I can't tell you how many times I've been at certain restaurants and been horrified to find that they don't even have real butter.... instead, they have nothing but artery-clogging trans fat laden margarine!  Yuck. No thanks.

I've also been shocked to find that some people (a LOT of people) are still confused about the whole butter and margarine thing.  In case you're still confused, let's clear this up now... the debate has actually been over for YEARS now, and I'll make it real simple:

Butter is healthy (if you choose the right type) ... Margarine is deadly!  Simple as that.

I know that's a bold claim to say that butter is healthy...but it's true, as long as you choose organic grass-fed (pastured) butter, and NOT butter that came from confinement feedlots (CAFOs) from cows fed corn.

In fact, butter is one of the best natural sources of the healthy fat conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) that actually helps you to build muscle and lose fat.  Butter is also a good source of the healthy fats, MCTs, and also omega-3's in grass-fed butter too.

But it doesn't stop there... this article below shows not only how butter can help you get leaner, but is also one of the best sources of a few very unique vitamins that are hard to get elsewhere, can improve your cardiovascular function, and even lower diabetes risk.

Click here....How butter can make you leaner and improve your health

That article is a must read!  It's refreshing to see a health author that actually "gets it" when it comes to this stuff.  I'm sick of reading meal plans from bodybuilders and nutritionists that say to avoid butter and make sure to have plain boring steamed vegetables instead.

No way!  I'll take my grass-fed butter on my vegetables and I'll love it.  And by the way, yes you CAN get single digit bodyfat lean and still use butter on your foods if you want.  I do it every day.

Some people have told me that they have a hard time finding grass-fed butter in their grocery store.  My favorite that I've found is called Kerrygold Irish butter, and although the label doesn't clearly state "grass-fed", this butter is 100% pasture-raised from cows that eat lush green grass in Ireland.  You can tell from the deep color of this butter, that it has higher levels of carotenoids than standard butter.

Please fwd this email on to your friends and family to help them live healthier!

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer

Saturday 6 December 2014

4 Examples of When Veggies are NOT Always Good For You

When it comes to veggies, more is NOT always better, and the TYPE matters for each person
by Mike Geary, Certified Nutrition Specialist
Author of best-sellers: The Fat Burning Kitchen
& The Top 101 Foods that FIGHT Aging

There are a lot of things that health gurus disagree about... low-carb, high-carb, high fat, protein, meat eating, vegan diets, etc... but if there's one thing that almost every type of diet or every health professional agrees on, it's that vegetables are great for you.

Whether someone follows Paleo or Vegetarian or Atkins, almost everybody agrees that veggies are good for you.

However, it's NOT that simple, and there are definitely cases when you can eat TOO many vegetables and also certain TYPES of vegetables that are bad for certain types of conditions.

This won't be a fully comprehensive list, but let me show you a few examples...

Example #1 when veggies are NOT always great:

Some people that have a damaged digestive system, leaky gut, IBS, or other digestive issues may actually do more harm by eating TOO much insoluble fiber that's found in a lot of vegetables [Btw, grains can have TOO much insoluble fiber many times too, such as wheat bran].
This is a case when cooked vegetables might be better than raw, or eliminating certain types of veggies may be beneficial, and there's no one answer for every type of person...It all depends on the type of digestive ailment that a certain person has.  That's why it's important for people with digestive system ailments to work closely with a holistic Nutritionist or Naturopath in these cases.

Keep in mind that in many cases, a traditional MD does not have enough nutrition knowledge to prescribe the right type of diet for digestive ailments... you really need to work with a Digestion expert directly for your individual case... this may or may not be an MD or an ND.  But make sure to seek out someone with more of a Holistic approach to nutrition instead of someone that just wants to prescribe a barrage of potentially dangerous drugs to you.  There may be important uses for some drugs in certain cases, but most traditional MDs will overprescribe drugs compared to a Naturopath or Holistic Nutritionist.

Example #2 when veggies are NOT always great:

Some veggies contain certain toxins or antinutrients that you CAN eat too much of... for example, spinach is thought of as very healthy, but if you eat it at almost every meal, you can eat too much oxalic acid that can cause kidney stones or damage if eaten too often and too much quantity.

NIghtshade vegetables (such as tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, etc) are another example of veggies that are normally "healthy" but if overconsumed, can possibly have some links to Arthritis and other problems with inappropriate calcification in soft tissues of the body.  I talk more in this article about low level toxins in certain veggies that can be overconsumed.

Example #3 when veggies are NOT always great:

Certain types of veggies (and also whether they're cooked or not) can have negative impacts for certain people on Thyroid function.  One reason is certain veggies have iodine blocking characteristics.
My partners at PaleoHacks have an article here about 11 Goitrogenic foods that can impact your Thyroid health (most of them are certain types of veggies) and exactly what to look for, so I won't go into any more detail on that in this article.

Example #4 when veggies are NOT always great:

This one has to do with gut health and the quality of your POOP.  Sorry, this one might be on the TMI (too much information) spectrum for you, but it's one of the MOST important indicators of your health, so if you don't pay attention to your poop on a daily basis, you're missing out on vital health information about yourself...

As you know, a really good indicator of overall health is the regularity of your bowel movements (do you go at least 1-3x per day?), but also the consistency of your poop, and whether you have constipation, diarrhea, or that "perfect" texture in the middle.

Oftentimes, people are eating certain foods that give them constipation, or other foods that make their stools WAY too loose and runny.  I've come across cases with certain people where they were eating TOO many veggies, and it was giving them runny poop, which means the excess veggies were irritating their gut or negatively affecting their digestion in some way.

Sorry if this is TMI for you, but I've also experienced this myself... I noticed that when I eat very large salads with dinner, I end up the next morning with excessively soft loose stools, but if I have just a small amount of veggies with my dinner meat, I end up having a "perfect log" poop the next morning.
As you can see, if I held onto the foolish belief that "more veggies is always better", I would be constantly irritating my digestive system with excess insoluble fiber, but I've learned through trial and error (and simply paying attention to my stool texture every morning and remembering what I ate the night before) that when I eat a "medium" sized portion of veggies with dinner instead of a large portion, that my bowel movements the next morning are always MUCH healthier.

Again, this is a personal observation for me, and some people may do better with higher amounts of veggies, especially if you're prone to constipation, which I'm not. In fact, I've probably only had constipation once in my entire life and I think that was caused by some antibiotic that I had to take when I was younger (I'd never take antibiotics at this point in my life unless it was something life threatening or a serious infection like Lyme Disease).  But it's quite clear that my digestive system seems to prefer a slightly higher proportion of fats (avocado, nuts, butter, cream, coconut fat, etc) and meats or eggs, and a slightly smaller amount of veggies instead of those large salads.

Also, fermented veggies are typically much easier on the digestive system, due to the fact that they're already partially pre-digested by the fermenting microbes. And not only that, but fermented veggies such as kimchi and various krauts are easily one of THE best sources of gut-healing probiotics.  I like to have a traditional Korean Kimchi most mornings with my eggs... very tasty AND healthy for the gut!  I also like to add a particular brand of fermented beets that I've found to my small nightly salad, along with half an avocado.

As I've covered in today's article, you can see how more veggies is NOT always better, and there are some cases for certain people where reducing certain types of veggies may be beneficial.  There are other examples I could think of when more veggies are NOT always better, but I just wanted to give you a few important examples in this article, because it's not always the best advice when you hear people say that "you can't eat too many vegetables".  Well, as you can see, yes you CAN eat too many in some cases.

Please pass this important article on to any of your friends and family by sharing this page with them.  It's an important health topic that most people don't fully understand.