5 Tips

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Drink this “metabolic milkshake” in morning to spike metabolism all day

Here’s something delicious I've tried recently...
I start my day by treating myself to a “dessert” first thing in the morning!
Why the heck would I do THAT?  Doesn’t that kill your metabolism and pack on the fat?

That’s because this is no ordinary dessert (see recipe below), it:

  • Turns ON the “burn fat” signal in all your cells...
  • Turns OFF the “eat more food” signal in your belly...
  • And cranks UP your metabolism, energy and thinking speed...
So instead of fighting off hunger, turning grumpy, and struggling with fog and fatigue like most...
I get to spend the rest of my day calm and in control, razor-sharp and feeling like I can tackle the world.
How would you rather spend your day?
This recipe is so delicious, every day feels like a cheat day.
I call it my “metabolic milkshake” and here it is:
Start with a scoop (14g) of chocolate-flavored grass-fed whey protein  to boost energy:
  • It fuels your metabolism with amino acids it uses to convert body fat into energy...
  • Studies show it controls hunger and cravings so you eat less during the day...
  • It provides the protein building-blocks to keep your skin, bones and muscles young...
Second, add in a handful of raw almonds to provide a satisfying crunch and put the brakes on aging:
  • They’re loaded with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats that fight inflammation...
  • They’ve got tons of flavonoids -- powerful antioxidants that reverse cellular rusting...
  • Studies show they not only reduce “bad cholesterol”, but also directly shrink belly fat...
Third, pour in half a can of full-fat organic coconut milk to shift your brain into 1st gear:
  • It’s rich in medium chain triglycerides – special fats that are like rocket fuel for your brain...
  • It’s naturally sweet and full of a type of healthy saturated fat that actually lowers your bad cholesterol...
  • Studies show it aids weight loss by helping your metabolism burn fat while keeping you full...
Last Step:  Toss everything into a blender, throw in some ice, mix it up and... voila!  Throw a shot of espresso in the blender too if you want more of a mocha flavor.
You’ve got a chocolatey, decadent, crunchy “dessert” that gets your day started right.
I simply love this new “metabolic milkshake”...
WARNING:  You can completely wipe out the metabolic benefits of this shake IF during the rest of your day, you make the same two mistakes I see 90%+ of people make:
First, they mistakenly eat “high fiber” foods that in reality, slow down metabolism.
Second, they avoid blood-sugar increasing foods that, crazy as it sounds, can help stimulate metabolism.
But most importantly, both these mistakes can crush levels of a little-known metabolic hormone.
Boosting levels of this hormone is the secret behind why the “metabolic milkshake” works so well.

Let me know what you think of the recipe – I’m sure you love the taste... and the extra energy!

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Best Selling Author


  1. Thank you for taking some time to write this post. Here is another website with belly fat help. Read more about how to lose belly fat naturally here to learn more.

  2. Nice recipe of metabolic milkshake. I can bet it is going to be delicious too. I lost my belly fat by controlling my diet. By drinking a glass of Tahitian Noni Juice I reduced my weight from 79KG to 74 KG in just one month. You can also take advantage of this fruit juice.
