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Wednesday 30 December 2015

Are There Over 20 Nasty Chemicals in Your Burgers?

The "bionic burger" that won't decompose even after 18 years?  Even mould and bacteria refuse to eat this...
by Mike Geary - Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist
Author of best-sellers:  
The Fat Burning Kitchen & The Top 101 Foods that FIGHT Aging

The story below may be a bit embellished to make the video more dramatic, and it's an actor in the video, but it's based on a real story of a man that kept fast food burgers in his basement to study them for breakdown.   I think we all know that there are some major issues with the sources of food in popular fast food chains, and the amount of pesticide residues, hormones, antibiotics, preservatives, and other nasty chemicals in typical fast food meals.  Check this story out, and feel free to send this page to your friends too:

Now I know that the story in that video may sound a bit embellished, and it is on purpose to get their point across, but it is based on a true story...I've also seen news stories of dozens of these types of informal experiments that random people have done over the years with popular fast food burgers that won't decompose even after years in their basement.
Seriously, if even mould refuses to consume these burgers and buns, is this really something that we (and our children) should be putting in our bodies?  What chemicals, preservatives, etc are in this fast food that is preventing even mould and bacteria from being able to consume this "food"?
And can we really consider this to be real "food" at all?
Here's another example of these types of experiments below... about half way through this video, you see some shocking examples that this woman kept from her own experiments:

I hope this gives you something to think about in terms of what we are putting inside our bodies if we choose to consume fast food.  Don't we deserve better?  Don't our children deserve better food?
I personally have not eaten a meal at any of the major fast food chains in years.  I will eat burgers sometimes, but only from restaurants that use higher quality ingredients.  And at home, I choose to only use grass-fed organic beef, as we've discussed the superior nutrition of grass-fed beef dozens of times in this newsletter previously.

Please share this article with your friends and family to help them avoid the nutritional disaster lurking in fast-food.

Monday 21 December 2015

3 Unique Veggies That Fight Abdominal Fat?

A surprising way that a few specific vegetables can actually stimulate the burning of abdominal fat...
article by Mike Geary, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist
Author -- The Truth about Six Pack Abs

I bet you didn't know that there is a specific class of vegetables that contain very unique phytonutrients that actually help to fight against stubborn belly fat. 
Let me explain what these unique vegetables are and why they help to burn stomach fat...
Something you may have never heard about is that certain chemicals in our food supply and our environment, such as pesticides, herbicides, and certain petrochemicals from air and water pollution, household cleaners, plastics, cosmetics, etc can react with your hormones and make your body store excess abdominal fat.

These harmful chemicals are known as xenoestrogens.
Xenoestrogens are chemicals that you are exposed to (and are hard to avoid in the modern world) that have an estrogenic effect in your body.  Excess exposure to these can cause hormone balance disruptions for both men and women. So if you thought this article was just for the guys, these chemicals can wreak havoc in the body for both guys and gals.
These estrogenic chemicals that we are exposed to on a daily basis can stimulate your body to store belly fat, along with many other problems (including cancer risks in the long term).
So here's where this specific class of vegetables comes in handy...
One of those cool tricks that I teach my clients that hire me for nutritional counseling is the use of cruciferous vegetables to help fight against stomach fat.

Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, kale, bok choy, cabbage, etc. contain very specific and unique phytonutrients such as indole-3-carbinol (I3C) that help to fight against these estrogenic compounds...
And by fighting against these belly fat stimulating estrogenic chemicals, this is just 1 more step in helping you to win the battle against abdominal fat!
So there you go... just another excuse to do what mom always told you and eat more broccoli and cauliflower!
I've really learned to like brussells sprouts in the last year too... Melt a little grass-fed cheese on them and some garlic and they're great!
But beware!
Although this class of vegetables may be a super-healthy choice for achieving your lean, strong, and energetic body.... I've discovered that there are at least 23 popular foods that most people falsely think are "healthy", but they actually Harm your metabolism and pack on belly fat.
Discover what these metabolism-harming foods are on the click here link.
These 23 "healthy" foods HARM your metabolism & pack on belly fat (avoid these!) 
Click here.
If you liked today's article please feel free to share with friends and family below.

Friday 18 December 2015

How to Do One of the Best Butt Exercises for a Firmer Sexier Butt and Tight Thighs

Try these unique exercises and tips to get a tighter, firmer butt fast.

by Mike Geary, Certified Personal Trainer (CPT), Certified Nutrition Specialist
Author of best-selling program:  The Truth about Six-Pack Abs

Ladies, is your butt tight and firm, or saggy?  Too big or too small? 

Every woman wants to know the secret to getting a firm tight butt and slim sexy thighs, right.  With a little hard work and choosing the correct exercises, that firm sexy butt may not be that far off!
Image result for sexy buttsThe answer to your quest for the best butt exercise is not in some fancy machine or butt blaster. In fact, most of your best butt exercises are simply done with bodyweight or free weights. Of course, various forms of squats, deadlifts, lunges, and stepups will always be some of the best for a tight butt.
However, I'll cover one of the most effective exercises (and a unique one at that!) for tightening your buttocks in this article. I'll reveal some of the other top butt exercises in future articles.
You can even do this exercise at home or in your office at various times throughout the day (so there's no lack of time excuse!).  
Combine this exercise with some of the others I mentioned, and you'll have a tighter, firmer butt in just weeks.
The topic of this article is the single-legged Romanian Deadlift. It's a great exercise for firming both the butt and the back of the thighs (hamstrings). Also, because this is a single-leg exercise, it really helps strengthen your ankles and other stabilizer muscles throughout your legs. 

Here's how to do it:

1. Looking straight ahead, stand and balance on one leg, and kick the other leg out slightly behind you.
2. Maintain a very slight bend in the knee throughout this exercise.
3. Now start to bend forward while simultaneously pushing the butt and hips back and keeping a flat (not rounded) back.
4. While bending over and pushing the hips back, kick your other leg out behind you and reach down with your hands towards the toe of your foot that's planted on the ground and try to touch it. You should feel a stretch in the hamstrings as you get to the deepest part where your back is parallel to the floor.
5. Then, focus on squeezing the butt muscle hard while you reverse the movement and bring yourself back to upright (all the while maintaining that flat back)

Alright, that was one rep! Now do 5-10 reps with each leg for 2-3 sets mixing this exercise into one of your normal workouts (or even just try this at home in your living room). At the end of a couple sets, I guarantee you'll be feeling this big-time in your buttocks and the back of your thighs!
I know it may sound a little complicated, and the first time you try this butt exercise, you may really need to concentrate on your balance. But after a couple sessions of practicing these one-legged romanian deadlifts, you'll start to get the hang of them and be able to focus more concentration on keeping the butt tight throughout the range of motion. 

Once you get this down and practice this killer butt and thigh exercise regularly, you'll be well on your way to showing off a tighter, sexier butt!

Please feel free to share with your family and girlfriends who you think could benefit from this article.
Thank you for reading this article.