5 Tips

Monday 1 June 2015

These 15 WHITE foods protect your cells & flatten your stomach

As I was flipping through the channels the other day, I stopped on a news station where a prominent Registered Dietician was giving nutrition tips for a "summer ready body".  I always find it interesting to hear what other health professionals are advising to their clients, and even more interesting was when she stated that one rule she requires EVERY client of hers to follow is the "no white foods" rule.

Really?  What about cauliflower?  And how about cancer-fighting onions and garlic, or probiotic-loaded plain Kefir?

I can just imagine one of her sweet, good-intentioned clients saying "No no" to cauliflower because her dietician told her "no white foods".

Of course, I understand that the rule is a good one when applied to processed "white" foods like bread, pasta, and crackers, but believe it or not this dietician went on to specifically outlaw such white foods as bananas and potatoes just because of their color!  Now I know that bananas and potatoes are a bit carb-heavy, but for those of us that exercise hard, these types of carbohydrates can actually be beneficial for post-workout recovery.  Another benefit of both bananas and potatoes is that they are natural non-processed foods packed with potassium and a boatload of other vitamins and minerals.

For those of us that are a bit more "carb-sensitive" such as diabetics or people that are sedentary, it is best to keep bananas and potatoes at a minimum, but for the rest of us, they can be perfectly healthy when eaten at the right time of day.

Additionally, here are a host of other WHITE foods to fuel your metabolism and protect your cells with antioxidants:

Veggies such as onions, cauliflower, garlic, turnips, parsnips, and mushrooms are all loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber while yielding next to zero calories.  Fill your plate with these white gems, and then pile on some more!

White beans are another white food example that is high in protein, very low glycemic (so they're easy on your blood sugar), and high in fiber while being absolutely packed with antioxidants.

Other healthy white foods...

Organic grass-fed dairy products such as cottage cheese, and other cheeses are all very high in protein and healthy fats while other fermented dairy products such as plain yogurt and plain kefir offer hefty amounts of probiotics to boot!

Then there are white seeds like pumpkin seeds and even white chia seeds that pack a superfood punch rich in omega-3s, protein, minerals, antioxidants and fiber.

And lastly (but certainly not least!) are the many varieties of white fish that are great for you -- another great metabolism-boosting source of protein, but here's something you may not know:  While we've been told that fish is one of the healthiest food choices around (and for the most part it is), there are specific types of fish -- all very common -- that you should literally NEVER eat due to incredibly high levels of contamination that can and WILL hammer the delicate cells of your body with toxic inflammation...

In the end, toxic inflammation build up from contaminants in food like heavy metals (as well as unhealthy vegetable oils) contributes to achy joints, premature aging of the skin (and less visible organs like the heart, kidneys, and liver), difficulty shedding excess weight, cognitive decline, forgetfulness, feeling blue and moody, and so much more...

Do you want to find 101 more anti-aging foods CLICK HERE

Eat healthy,

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer


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