5 Tips

Friday 7 August 2015

Simple 30-second trick BOOSTS your metabolism (Do this daily for best results)

Do THIS daily to not only boost your metabolism, but also detox your body, balance your hormones, increase your immunity, and boost your energy
By Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Fitness Specialist &
Jeff Anderson - Weight Loss Coach
Authors of the best-seller: Do This, Burn Fat

  Did you know you actually have more than one type of fat in your body?  Sounds strange doesn't it?  Fat is fat, right?  If you look at yourself in the mirror and see something that jiggles... it's fat, right?
Well, the truth is that scienctists have actually discovered your body has more than one type of fat, and the really cool thing is that the amount of each "type" of fat actually changes as you age.
For the purposes of this article, we're only going to discuss 2 different types of body fat:
“White Fat” and “Brown Fat”
The White Fat tissue is what you usually think of as “fat” - the kind of fat that sits on your hips, butt, belly, and thighs.
It’s the fat most people are desperately trying to get rid of through diet and exercise.
Brown Fat Tissue, on the other hand, contains a much higher concentration of something called mitochondria, which are like “mini power stations” in your body and one of their roles is to literally burn fat to be used for energy…
When this happens, heat is generated from the cells and this is actually the primary reason brown fat is on your body in the first place.
You see, from the time you were a baby, Brown Fat has acted as a natural heating system for your body.
This is why babies have a higher ratio of active brown fat cells.  When they get cold, Brown Fat is “activated” to begin burning fatty tissue throughout the body.  Generating heat and warming them up from the inside
Now it was thought that brown fat only occurred in newborn babies, and was lost with age, but recent research has shown that this is NOT the case, but that in adults our Brown “baby” fat is simply lying dormant
Imagine if you could trigger your body’s natural stores of brown fat
to once again stoke the coals of your metabolism and begin
generating "internal heat" 
This would allow you to almost effortlessly melt away that extra layer of fat sitting on your stomach, butt, or thighs you’ve been trying so hard to lose for so long
You’d have a weight loss miracle on your hands, right?
That is why the pharmaceutical companies are working around the clock to create a pill that will use your body’s natural Brown Fat stores to active fat-burning
If they succeed, it will make them millions… probably BILLIONS!
Little do they know that the ancient yogis of India had already
discovered the secret to activating brown fat stores in an ancient
natural health technique that not only melts away unwanted body fat
But recent research has also shown to:
  • Decrease blood pressure
  • Detox your body
  • Increase your immunity
  • Supercharge your endocrine system to naturally balance your hormones…
… and I want to share this simple technique with you right NOW!
You see, you can accomplish this same amazing weight loss feat by simply standing under a cold shower for as little as about 30-seconds.
That’s it!!
Now hold on…
Before you click away vowing that this is much too extreme for you and you could NEVER take a cold shower, let me tell you WHY this works so incredibly well…
And then I’ll explain how you can easily make this a part of your daily routine and harness its powerful effects without feeling like a polar bear.
First, the why…
Brown Fat’s role is to act as a “rapid reaction force” that signals your body’s fat cells to generate heat when it feels cold, right?
That heat literally melts fat in its place
as it’s used for the energy you need to keep you warm
By standing under cold water, your Brown Fat cells are instantly called into action to tell the body you need to get warm and to start generating heat
This is why when you jump into a cold lake or pool you initially feel like you’re freezing, but in less than a minute or so you don’t even notice the cold at all.
It’s not that the lake or pool got warmer - Your body is simply responding by triggering the mitochondria of your fat cells to generate internal heat while your heart pumps that heat to your skin to warm you up.
As this happens your capillaries are expanded, and toxins are flushed out of your system allowing fresh, oxygenated blood to be circulated throughout your body, revitalizing your organs and invigorating the glands of your endocrine system
In essence, not only have you turbo charged
your body’s fat burning metabolism, but your
entire body gets an “instant tune up” that will
leave you feeling energized throughout the entire day!
Now, how to make this a super simple task that you won’t dread each day…
First, your body’s Brown Fat is for the most part located in your neck, upper chest, and back area so this is where you need to focus on primarily when in the shower.
Here’s all you need to do to ignite your Brown Fat…
First, start with a warm, but NOT hot, shower to begin your day, and then at the end of your shower, slowly begin to make the water cooler and cooler.
When the water is very cool, but not yet cold, simply turn off the hot water completely and allow the cold water to rain gently on your shoulders, chest and back - invigorating your body
It literally only takes about 30 seconds to benefit from this activity, but you’ll soon find it so refreshing that you’ll want to stay in the cold water for up to several minutes.
Step out of the shower to towel off and you’ll instantly feel the difference in your body!
Now, I’m not going to promise you that this is a ‘miracle weight loss cure,’ but it will absolutely help you burn more fat, while also revitalizing your entire body - both inside and out
And the best part is it really takes no extra effort on your part.
Easy enough, right?
Here’s what you should do next…
While so many men and women are out there depriving themselves with trendy diets, and exercising to the point of exhaustion there are actually several little things you can do right now that can have an even bigger impact on your weight loss efforts.
In fact, I’ve put together 101 more short, powerful, and downright sneaky fat-burning tricks just like this one, and all of these scientifically proven weight loss tricks are just as easy (and sometimes easier) to implement as this one, and will all help you to see dramatic results in the mirror in the shortest time possible.
I've been helping busy men and women just like you for well over a decade (over 500,000 busy men and women actually...) and the most dramatic, and long-lasting results are ALWAYS seen by those who make many small changes to their lifestyle (like the tricks I'm going to share with you on the next page) - not the ones who attempt to make huge, dramatic changes.
Simple strategies like…
Trick #44 - The inexpensive everyday kitchen item (that every home has) that will reverse your body’s fat-storing efforts by nearly 30%!
Trick #73 - The 45-second exercise you can even do while lying in bed that has the power to strip off an entire inch off your waist in the next 30 days!
Trick #99 - The candle (yes candle) that can help maximize your body’s own natural release of age-defying, fat-melting growth hormone and have less fat on your body within the next 8 hours!

All you have to do to discover those tricks, and so many more, is head to the bottom of the Next Page...
There will be a amazing surprise for you, so you can discover all of the above.


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